4am Robotics GmbH
Neue Dimensionen für mobile Cobots: Der AMC-H
4am Robotics GmbH

It’s a new dawn for mobile cobots: the AMC-H

all about automation zürich 2024

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Neue Dimensionen für mobile Cobots: Der AMC-H
4am Robotics GmbH

It’s a new dawn for mobile cobots: the AMC-H



It’s a new dawn for mobile cobots: the AMC-H

New dimensions in load capacity, reach and tensile load!

With its new performance features, the AMC-H masters complex tasks that were previously reserved for human operators. Its gripper arm impresses with a reach of almost 2 metres and a load capacity of up to 15 kilograms. With this combination and a tractive force of 500 kilograms, the AMC-H sets new standards in the autonomous use of mobile cobots. The gripper arm allows goods to be picked both upwards and downwards with the same reach range. The AMC-H also sets standards in terms of speed. Optimised motion sequences and the well thought-out safety concept enable fast operation.

Precise load handling is complemented by an extensive range of gripping options that are optimised for a wide variety of process requirements. These include vacuum grippers, 2-finger grippers or the box gripper developed and patented by 4am. The system can therefore be easily customised to the specific requirements of the production processes.

Despite its long reach and high handling weight, the AMC-H offers an unusually small footprint, which is achieved thanks to the round shape of the base. In contrast to a rectangular platform, as is generally used, the round base has no turning circle, so manoeuvring is no problem even in narrow aisles.

It closes the last gap in the material flow and bridges the last few metres between delivery by a tugger train and assembly on the production line or the filling of existing and freely configurable shelves, for example.

Jochen Carle, Managing Director 4am Robotics:
„The AMC-H is the logical evolution of our product line. It complements our existing models by handling heavy loads and operating in environments that were previously inaccessible. This not only expands our offering, but also strengthens our strategic positioning as a provider of state-of-the-art, fully autonomous robotic solutions.“


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