Blume Elektronik Distribution GmbH

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Displays are indispensable in many applications

The rapid development of display technology is easy to understand with the most striking examples such as television and smartphones. In many other areas of technology, advanced displays have opened up many new possibilities. The applications may not be as visible to the public, but they are a great improvement for users.

With us you will find products for the following displays/display categories:

IPS displays

TFT displays

OLED displays

Character display modules

Graphic display modules

LCD glass

LED displays

Controllers and interface boards

From consumer electronics to automotive and industrial applications

In order to enable use in the automotive sector, the temperature range had to be expanded and the contrast rate increased. FSTN technology already represents a major leap forward here. It uses an additional film and other temperature-stable liquid crystals.

The rapid development was by no means over yet. In order to achieve the long-term goal of using LCD as a replacement for picture tubes in televisions, the problem of screen size and color had to be solved. The use of STN graphic modules with color filters enabled the first so-called passive color graphic displays to find their way into laptops.

The development of TFTs into displays suitable for televisions and notebooks was possible within a few years and also provided the first color displays for cell phones. Parallel to the developments in the “large” area of ​​consumer electronics, TFTs also continued to develop in the areas of industrial automation, medical technology and the automotive industry, consistently replacing all picture tube applications or only enabling the use of a display, such as in a car radio, due to their compact design.



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